Kiev map problem

I have discovered that my Kiev map is in the Russian text.

All other text on my entire il2 is in English. Only this one map is in Russian text.

Is thit map suppose to be in Russian? I don't want to start installing that English fix if it is outdated since the new installer.

Is there a-way to home in on that specific map & change it to English?

PapaG39, there is a fix here:
(The link is inoperative)

I post the link so you can get an idea what is happening but let's make it simpler. OK?

Forget the filelist text part if you have installed the Unified Installer.

Do this:
1. Just open files/i18n folder in the main game directory.
2. Right click any file in the list and copy it there.
3. Rename it to Kiev_ru
4. Open it and delete everything inside it.
5. Save it, run game, check map in FMB, should be back in english.

You might need to check the Gulf of Finland 1 and Manchuria maps too, I had to do the same for them.
Same steps, just copy the empty file and rename it Gulf of Finland 1_ru, etc. and save.

Hmmmm... That didn't work.

however, while in the Files/i18n folder I did discover: lviv_ru.poperties and in the filelist.txt


shouldn't these actually be for "lvov" ? maybe I should rename these entries?

Also, my files.SFS file will not open. It just want to send an error message to big brother microsoft.

Dang...The more I try to do the more I find problems...

I said: "Forget the filelist text part if you have installed the Unified Installer."

If you have the filelist text just follow the instructions with the download.

I thought you had the UI installed and that has no file list txt so, my mistake.

I have the UI and following my outline, I got Kiev, Gulf of Finland and Manchuria back from the Russkies.

hey Forager..

I swear...there is no hope for me & computers...

I renamed exactly as you noted in your message....Kiev_ru

It actually works when I use da brain & also add the ".properties" after

now it works..ha ha...wonders never cease huh..

Now if I could just figure out why some of my maps are blank and why some maps saved in QMB Plus to the Quicks folder will not open via the QMB and others will... they all play fine when played via FMB after saved into the Quick folder...but won't open in the qmb none, armor or what ever I call em...

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