Top Sky is allways blue

I noticed a problem using the Slot map. Whatever the weather conditions, (good, hazy , etc..) I get clouds according to the weather selected, more or les fog or haziness but on top of the clouds the sky is allways perfectly clear and with a perfect blue color.
When I open the Guadalcanal original map then I have the sky above with nice high altitude cirrus clouds or thin cloud traces here and there that make the high altitude sky as seen from below much more realistic.
All these are gone when I open the Slot map.
Does anybody got the same problem or is there a way to reactivate the high altitude sky features.
I am running in 4.09bm1 mode. :?:

Probably this bit of the Slot's load.ini for each map:

HighClouds = MTO_Clouds256.tga
HighCloudsNoise = CloudsNoise.tga

I think the kind of sky they have there is probably a deliberate choice for that part of the world. The team's attention to detail is so high, I doubt it was a coincidence.
If you really wanted to, you could change it to something pretty like:

HighClouds = sk_Clouds256.tga
HighCloudsNoise = sk_CloudsNoise.tga

These Slovakian sky textures are very nice, without being overdone. :wink:

Thanks for your fast reply. I will give it a try.
I agree that Team Pacific did a tremendous work to produce the various Slot maps with the very detailed historical evolution of the airfields and sea landing places. A big thanks to them.

Regarding the sky, I have been in various pacific islands and such a perfect blue sky with no features at all just perfect blue, it does happen too but most of the time you do get clouds and high altitude formations. You know there is a lot of water vapour in the air over there.
As the slot maps do cover several sesons maybe there are differences due to that. I was using about the August Map but should check the others.



If you decide to change the month in the load.ini file, remember that selecting a "winter" month will cause snow in the tropics :?

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