Possible to add Mission builder maps to quick missions?

Hello again,

I was wondering, is it possible to add the myriad of maps in the Mission Bulder to the map list in Quick Missions?

If so please could you give me some instructions?


that would be awsome!

Is this the kind of thing you had in mind:


I've got about 15 maps in my QMB. The only tricky bit is that you need missions for the new maps in your Missions/Quick folder, but quite a few are available for download or you can make your own using the FMB.

CyberAce, this link may be of help, it leads to the AAA release of QMBPlus.:

(The link is inoperative)

If you have not already installed the Unified Installer I advise you to do so first.

Many of the new maps will not work unless you are patched to 4.09.

Make sure you add the proper lines to the "all" ini that is found in the Mods\mapmods\maps folder
Make sure you add the map to the "conf" file in the main game directory.
The list should be at the end of the "conf" file and look like this after you install QMBPlus:


To add your new maps just continue adding Custom3=, etc.

There are some user made QMBPlus missions here: http://hosted.filefront.com/Eldon45/

If you have problems do a QMBPlus search or ask back here.

In the above package there is also a readme file that explains what you need to do to use the new maps in your QMB.
Important notes to remember:
A. the QMB is actually loading mission files (.mis) not the actual map. So you need to make a mission in the peticular map you need to fly. You can have many missions on the SAME map.
B. There are cetain rules you cannot break

First, you must make at least two vesions of the mission. Content wise they could be the same but named "yournameBlueNone00.mis" and "yournameRedNone00.mis". Check the readme file for more options on types of mission.

Second, in "quick" section of conf.ini you must list one entry for the new mission with the exact name minus the BlueNone00.mis or RedNone00.mis component. e.g AntwerpBlueNone00.mis the entry is Antwerp. Start with Custom0 and then increase numbers by one for every new set of maps. With maps from this pack it should look like this:

Third thing is that you MUST have a RedNone00 mission for the new mission, if that mission is missing some people experienced problems.

The fourth is that the 4 flights per side have to be russian and german AS FOLLOWS and NOTHING else:
The quick mission engine is looking for the above specific entries in order to load to your interface. You will be able to occupy r0100 or g0100 depending on which side you are flying. Once you load it in Quick mission interface your will be able to change Country and the rest of the parameters. There seems to be no need for a specific order and the above flights can be intermixed with other flights, the attributes of which you will NOT be able to change, of course. You can even have delay spawn of flights. In other words it is a regular single player mission with options to modify just before you play it.
Speed is IMPORTANT. Whatever speed the first waypoints have in the mis file that is the starting speed in the quick mission. The type or true allegiance of the planes, number of waypoints, altitude or any other attributed are not important since they are set in Quick mission interface.[/

KDN Wrote:Second, in "quick" section of conf.ini you must list one entry for the new mission with the exact name minus the BlueNone00.mis or RedNone00.mis component. e.g AntwerpBlueNone00.mis the entry is Antwerp.

Somebody thwack me on the head... That one little tidbit has been driving me nuts. I simply couldn't find the relation between the mission name and the conf.ini setting. I had finally decided the prefix had to be the map name as it appeared in all.ini for both the mission names and the conf.ini setting (which works, but limited me to one set of files per map). Thanks for pointing out the obvious to me!

KDN Wrote:Speed is IMPORTANT. Whatever speed the planes have in the mis file that is the starting speed in the quick mission.

Well, sort of. They seem to default from higher than normal speeds back down to cruising speeds. Haven't tested setting a low speed to start.

Ah...rememeber True airspeed not Indicated. In FMB all inputs are in True. Do set all waypoints with same speed to have the flights maintain that. For verifying purposes fly one with Difficulty to allow no cockpit, the first kind of arcade option has a dial with the true airspeed.

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