b-17 mod request

hi all, I was just wondering, would it be possible to take the ball turret from the B-24 and use it on the B-17? The b-17's turret has a horrible shape, while the b-24's is much more accurate, plus it actually includes the mounting brackets... the two turrets were identical in real life, so there shouldn't be any accuracy issues...

here's an example of what I mean...

[Image: ball.jpg]
[Image: ball2.jpg]

[Image: ball3.jpg]
[Image: ball4.jpg]

as you can see, the B-24 has a much higher quality mesh. I'd try it myself, but I know absolutely nothink about hier, him editing or anything else that would be needed for this...

You read my mind! 8)

I've already tried at and it works....sort of.
The problem is that the msh files for the B-24 ball turret are mapped to different parts of the skin than the ones for the B-17. So you end up with the correctly shaped turret, but parts of the left fuselage skin on it!

I'm working on learning Gmax, so hopefully I'll be able to remap this in the near future.

There's other things we can put in the ball turret spot as well!
[Image: PFF.jpg]

Yeah, I figured that issue would come up. thanks for at least trying. The BTO radar is a promising idea too... I've been waiting forever for someone to start modding the B-17s, since with them being my favorite a/c of all time, I've noticed all kinds of problems with the different models. It would be really nice if we could get one of the modders more experienced in 3D modeling to rework some of the shapes on the B-17, but the steps that you've taken so far with them have made them that much easier to look at... Big Grin

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