Sugar Candy Trees?

Hi all
A few weeks/monthsago, I saw a thread with this same question, but never really took notice because I'd never had the problem. Well, 2 installs down the line, and now these immersion-killers have started appearing on some of my maps:
[Image: IL2M_W090209_172355_C09020917235487.jpg]
In the pic, I've destroyed some of the candy trees in the front, and the object looks vaguely familiar.
I also remember that the advice for the earlier post was 'just' to delete them.
That option poses several problems for me.
Firstly, therte are hundreds of the frickin' things, and I don't even think I've found them all yet!
Secondly, in order to delete them, I'd have to know what they are, and also probably have to use the Actors/Cutters tool, as the maps would need to be loaded to be edited.
To date I have been unsuccessful with getting those tools to work, either I'm just doing it wrong, I dunno...
Anyway, logic dictates that this is all because of ONE missing tga/whatever file. So, surely it would be WHOLE lot easier and quicker just to find the missing file, and put it in where necessary.
So, if anyone knows whats causing these glaring obscenities to appear on some new maps, and how I would go about getting them to display normally, I would be most appreciative.
Thanks Big Grin

Flushy bumbfication mod have this textures Idea

Is there any way around it? A relatively easy way? :wink:
Maybe I'll have to contact Flushy, and see.... 8)

just find and delete them in forest folder=) or ask Flushmeister

Sorted, thanks!
Found the fix in Flushy's thread, thanks Bender! Big Grin Big Grin

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