Two questions, I have cable now instead of dsl and want to be able to host. Does anyone know how to open ports on a cable router or if I need to? Also, if I can host, I have two computers in my house and if I can host, can my son get on the other comp and hook up with mine so he can fly with me or is that a networking thimg?
what kind of router do you have?
Yes your son can hook up to you if you play multiplayer. You cannot do that in single player.
Do you have hyperlobby? That is the best way to host online.
No, I dont have hyperlobby. I downloaded it but never figured out how to use it. Would it be possible to host on hyperlobby without opening ports? The router is a motorola I dont know the model but its the standard cable company issue thin black one. If that poor desciption helps.
I don't know about hosting with just a modem. I imagine you would not need port forwarding. However, do you have a firewall? You may need to check into that for hosting.
As for Hyperlobby. Installation and operation is pretty well layed out in the instructions on the website taht comes with the download. The one thing you need to make sure of is that when you hook up for the the first time that you choose FORGOTTEN BATTLES and not IL2 STURMOVIK. IL2 1946 uses the forgotten battles .exe file which is IL2FB.exe.