Mouse disappearing during start-up of IL-2 !

Just an observation in this regard. Once i have double-clikked on the Icon, I have to move the mouse-pointer away from the Icon !! Otherwise no mouse when it finish loading IL-2 !!!!

Yes. I get that a lot too.
Just have to shut down IL2 and try again.
Be nice to be able to fix it, but don't know how.

I have this to.. :?
Minimize the game and maximize (ALT + TAB or CTR + ESC to activate the windows taskbar) does the trick.. My game needs at least 3 minutes to startup; so that's no option for me.. 8)

This solution has been metioned soo many times, and this is the time I and Magpie will do again

Double Press the icon, and DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT CLICK anywhere else until the game fully loaded

My game takes almost 5 minutes to load: it's hard to sit by and wait..
I will keep CTR+Escaping 8)

Its been a problem to me for a long time but thanks to Panzerkells comments I can now work around it.
As far as i know I have been careful to only double click once on the icon but I still regularly get the game loaded with a frozen mouse pointer. I use a wireless mouse.

Solution. (Win XP)

Once game is loaded Ctrl/Alt/Del to go to the Task Manager
Right click on the IL2 entry and select Minimise.

Close Task Manager and Maximise IL2, and the mouse is now active again Smile

I found [Ctrl+ESC] simply works best, as it minimises all programmes and gives you the desktop with functioning mouse. If you [Alt+TAB] to another programme and [Alt+TAB] back to IL2, it's still in this kind of "sleep" mode.

IL2 doesn't like it when their startup process is kind of moved down the priority list when you do other things while it's loading.

I suspect there are drivers that act like their software needs to be prioritised, so it updates their "priority" often and causes IL2 to drop into it's "background process" behaviour and becomes unresponsive.

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