Game shuts down without error message?

I need help, and sorry, i am new and sorry for my bad english, if this is at the wrong area. Usually, the game shutted on downloadin intro video, now i taked off the intro video, and when i am in the Menu, when i press button like Quick Mission builder or Hardware Setup, game shuts down without an error message, what is wrong?
EDIT: I downloaded the wrapper, ac installer, mod activator and AAA_Mod_pack v.2.7 in the right order.

Mate, I had some huge problems with these type of problems, such as using Alt+TAB would drop to desktop, changing misssions with different maps would CTD, etc. I have an ATI video card, and I just found out it was all caused by Catalyst 9.3 driver. Changed now to 9.6 version, and all is fixed again.

Hope this helps you.

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