Hi, First off I really appreciate anyone who bothers to take a look at my problem, second, I've been unable to save missions on canonuk's channel map, after eight hours of looking at other threads etc. I've tried replacing my static.ini file with someone else's which worked, I've used the static ini checker, I've tried the beta version, and I'm out of thoughts on what to do next. Any help whatsoever is really appreciated, expecially if it solves my problem...
You say someone else's static.ini worked?
What were the results of using the checker?
I take it your static.ini wasn't missing any info then?
What version of the game do you run,UI 1.11 or sound Mod?
either way...
It usually breaks down to you are missing objects from your install, of objects that are placed on the map.
This is the only thing I have come across that prevents missions from being saved.
Textures prvent loading if wrong or missing,where if there are missing objects the map will load ....but will not save.
Missing objects could be from not having the info added to the static.ini from objects that have been installed or
static.ini info not entered correctly or it has become corrupted somehow.
Static.ini could be ok with all needed info added correctly,
but you would still need to have all the objects installed correctly with in the folder structure that is needed.
The ToW objects have given some problems as to where the object folders should be,my ToW objects reside in>
MODS/ObjectsMap/3do/Buildings/ToW and Canon's new map works fine on my PC
Also you need to be on the UI 1.11,or if on the sound Mod make sure you get the Channel Beta map and objects to install,
as these objects are now in the UI and are on the map.These objects would need to installed seperately if you do not have the UI 1.11
No matter what,not being able to save a mission has to do with objects that are on the map but are not in your install or are not installed correctly.
Or everything is in but the static.ini info is corrupt somehow.
Just re-install the map and objects again to see where you went wrong
I don't use UI, I've SFX 0.6 or something similar. and when I say it worked, I meant that it worked for them, not me.
Ill check my folders again. Where do I get those Canonuk objects to install? I know I haven' done that.
according to what I've searched and read, you need the following in addition to installing Canon's New Channel Map:
use the static.ini_checker to see if anythings missing (and remove duplicates-tho Ive read this may not make a difference - I did)
The read me of Canon's clearly states the needed add-on Mods that are needed for the map to run.
In addition because you don't have the UI 1.11 you will need to download Canon's old map,
in order to get a completely different set of objects that are (included in the UI 1.11).
BETA - English Channel 1940 (4.09)
great, i have downloaded the extra objects and ran the installer, but I still can't get it to save. I did notice the map loaded much faster than normal, IDK if thats important though.
I just went back and checked, and I noticed that I can't see any of the new objects, my objects list still goes only up to 760, like it did before the instal. Does this shed any light on the problem?
Thanks again for the help
yet another thought that might help, I haven't installed the QMB+, probably insignifigant, but I thought I'd post it anyway.
FIXED!! somehow my static ini file reverted back to default when I downloaded the beta, so after I redid it, I can now save missions as normal. Thanks for everyone's help!