Sorry, I don't know how. Sorry for posting however if that is a mission you created it looks superb.
Good Luck
Thanks but the mission it's not mine, it's PhilK's... I'm awful doing missions. The re-texture of the map it's mine though.
That looks like a very nice re-texturing job, WhiteCat :lol:
Wow, Bee, thanks!! but I'm lost: what's this stuff about tgb? I always have used tgas for the textures. I've tried to open the tgb with Photoshop, as .tgb or .tga and gives me error. Do I have to use other software? Thanks!!
Cool, thanks about the explanation. I had already the extensions of the files enabled, the problem is I'm not able to open the tgb with Photoshop.
Besides, how do you extract this files from IL2? Is there around any library? Or a method to do it?
Solved mates, I've researched a little bit and I have now all the arsenal I need, extractors, tga converters, etc. Thanks