Anyone Here Willing to do some Object Modelling?

Hi All;

Something that is very needed object wise especially with a New Guinea map coming are "destroyed aircraft objects"....I'm wondering if anyone out there has time and knows how to work with object models, and what I'd like would be as follows.

Ki-21, Ki-43, Ki-46, Ki-61, other existing aircraft to simulate a Ki-45, Ki-48, Ki-49, Ki-51.........

Of each I'd like to see 3-4 versions....
1. ditched, on belly, props bent, canopy open, crumpled wings or tail sections, your call
2. blown apart....a piece here, there, perhaps a crater in the middle, yet all close enough to know it's an aircraft.
3. burnt out, this one more common then you realize. Imagine outer half of wings, tail section, engine and forward sitting there (as though ditched) flat on the ground, yet the entire center area gone just a char spot.
4. optional wrecks like tails missing, or wings gone, bent in half, whatever....This also plays into cannibalized aircraft.

Now, I can provide photographic examples. I can even provide technical research to make it authentic (like where would a plane split). What I can't do is work with the modeling tools, nor knowing how to do all it takes to get the files........What I can also do is another HUGE part..........That being:

After the basic models are provided I'd like to alter the files. As an example I recently generated 126 Ki-43 skins for New Guinea.....What I want to do is take one intact, one of each of the 3-4 models above, for each aircraft, and apply as its default skin a correct unit skin where applicable (so perhaps of the 126, utilize perhaps a third of them, and in the end generate lets say for the Ki-43 actually 100 objects+ simply by giving it a new number, so you might end up with that many Ki-43 objects just to get some correct markings.



1. Place stationary planes in FMB then use destroy brush to damage them.

2. Place other objects in FMB then use destroy brush to damage them. Gives you all sorts or war debris.

3. Place AI plane on map just above ground (5-20m), no fuel, no waypoints. On game-start they fall to the ground in various states of damage.

Salmo ...those are the workarounds we've been forced to use in the past... but BF wants something better and easier to place with more variation and certainty of damaged look.

Well thanks for the tips, yet also part of it is wanting some accurate paint and markings.



for me, building the model is easy.

Its getting it programmed into the game, where i get stumped.
I'm not even certain i can properly convert the mesh into the format needed to run it in Il2.

Someone using gmax might be able to help there. Until then, i'm stuck.

My experience with this site as that most people will offer advice or point you in the right direction, but if you want something done then you have to do it yourself.
I think a lot of people are too busy with projects of their own.


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