Big Thanks to Cannon UK for His Oustanding Map

I finally got the chance to just fly around a bit this evening after spending a rather intense two days getting two IL2 configurations up and running, one,SAS and two, UI 1.2. I just flew a Spit Mk IIa around London and I was in awe of the superb detail and the amount of buildings and their intricacy blew me away. Joe, thanks so much for this treasure. I can't imagine the hours and hours of labor that you put into this creation. This is a great addition to our IL2 sim. Thank you just doesn't seem enough or appropriate for what you have done.

While I'm at it, I want to thank the many people at both AAA and SAS who have labored to bring forth such wonderful Mods that have really opened up this sim for me. You all have my sincere appreciation and thanks. About a year ago, I had all but abandoned playing this sim, until I found the AAA site and UI 1.0. That opened the door and it just got better and better. Then a couple of months ago, the SAS site started up and they were really picking up the pace. It is highly uinfortunate that their site was attacked. I hope it gets up and running soon. I enjoy both sites and both have contributed a great deal to our sim. It is my hope that members of both affiliations will join together to continue making this the greatest combat flight sim ever.

I agree mate, after seven years of solid playing, I was finally begining to tire slightly of it (not get bored). Then found this place and boom, we have a new re-energised sim with untold possibilities ahead. And with the planes at SAS, theres even more to make you dribble. This map alone is almost a new sim. I was looking through old off-line campaigns at M4T the other day and theres so many great ones. In particular I would love to see some of the older ones updated to use this map, for example theres a few very emersive ETO comapaigns with lots of great ground details, you just need to suspend your disbelief a little bit. Imagine flying a whole JG26 camgaign through France, over England, Africa and USSR - on the correct maps with the correct aircraft!!!

No kidding!!! Big Grin

Thanks Salty - glad you're enjoying it Smile

I know that this isn't the correct topic, but...
Do I install this to my gmae folder or to my MODS folder?


You install the main file in MODS/Mapmods. CanonUk's map has several folders that go in different places. CanonUK_Objects goes in your MODS folder. CAN_English Channel goes in MODS/Mapmods/Maps folder. CAN_Channel goes in MODS/Mapmods/Maps/_Tex/Land/Summer folder.

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