Sophia/Bulgaria map

Hi everybody, it seems I have persuaded Mr Agracier to make some 100 square kilometres around Sophia. (I would love to fly a Bulgarian B.534 over real place, vol_ItalyAfricaGreece has a part of Bulgaria, but it is just usable only for 1941 campaign against Yugoslavia and Greece...) So, to the point: Are there any other airfields in this area? I know just Vrazhdebna, but what else?

Hello Cracken the airfields used from bulgarian airforce during WWII against the americans raids were: Vrazhdebna and Bojurishte near Sofia and Marno pole near Karlovo. Skopie was used only for recon fllights.I will be very glad to see Bulgarian map in Il-2 too !!!!!

There were also at least two Bulgarian Bf 109E's stationed on duty at Skopie airfield that were used to shadow the incoming USAAF bomber formation and relay information to Sofia's air defence. On 25 October 1943 USAAF Lightnings attacked the a/f and one was shot down by the Emils over Albania. IIRC they also participated in the defence of the capital at one time.

Cracken, while that would be great, the B.534 interceptor campaign is short and inglorious... Bulgarian Avia's tried to intercept US bombers twice (in one day, in August 1943 during operation "Tidalwave") and due to their slower speed were only able to make a single pass on the B-24s - once on the trip to Ploesti, once during the return. After that the B.534 didn't participate in the air defence.

The operations of 2ro shturmovo yato (2nd ground attack squadron) during autumn 1944 are another matter, but that woud require a large map covering Western Bulgaria, Makedonia and Eastern Serbia...

EDIT: Varba airfield south-west of Sofia, maybe around 60km away - it was used both by the Luftwaffe and the VnVV. Either I/JG5 or 5./JG301 used it briefly in 1944.

My idea is to create a mini semi-fictional Bulgarian campaign for the Avia - actions in 1941 against Yugoslavia and Greece (using the ItalyAfricaGreece map) and to create some two missions against the USAAF (which is a suicide - I attacked one B-24 with 3 other Avias - the result was three Avias shot down, but we managed to hit the B-24 and it crashed after some time:-) The campaign could continue against Germans in September 1944.

Maybe you Bulgarian boys could help me, I will repost my query here: (I posted it to M4T but none has replied to it yet, maybe you will):

The Bulgarian airforce used this roundel from 1941 to 1944 when it belonged to the Axis forces.

[Image: 600px-Bulgarian_Air_Force_roundel_1.png]

After it changed sides it used this one:

[Image: 600px-Bulgarian_Air_Force_rounde-1.png]

I wanted to ask which of these were on the Bulgarian Avia B.534 fighters that fought the Germans in September 1944? The first one or the second one? Did they have time to paint the new roundels or did they flew some missions with the old roundels cause they did not have time to paint the new ones??

Does anyone have a picture of Bulgarian Allied Avia? and could someone make a Bulgarian Avia Allied skin, please?

The Avias were used with st'Andrews cross markings to the end of operations against the germans.The roundel (OF roundel ) comes later in march-april 1945.At this time bg airforce did't get a part in the war.For the operations 1941-1942 is suitable to be used the previus cross marking I will post it later today when I return to home :wink:

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