Test runway/Airfields as object to set in FMB [request]

Dear modders!

I want to ask if it is possible to make something like an generic airfild-pack, that could used in FMB.

I use the test runways to set new airfields, missing.

The problem is:

1. it is difficuld to find a propper place, where you'll get start from the ground instead of airstart.

2. if you are driving off the test runway, you'll never get back, or the wheels are breacking off

3. even if you#ve founded a propper place and set one trw with ground-start, it turnns to the airstart as soon, as I add some more of this trw (in order to gaine space for taxing, Rearm, refuel, repair, or to set an ladndig strip) connected to the first one, it switches to the airstart again...

The question is:

is it possible to modd some of this trw (make it bigger) that they could be used as an regular airfield, with diff. textures (incl. gras, mudd, concrit, etc.)?
Add some kind of "skirt" to cover the edges if they are much higher than surrouding ground?

I think it could make happy some map-makers.

best regards


I second this request! I wish i knew how to do programming and such and solve the problem myself, but I dont.

I make many maps and creating new airfields is a headache. If there is even a slight difference in ground height this can ensure the airfield will not work. Ive taken to putting them on inland water as at least its flat...even if they dont look to realistic!

Anyhoo, I would love the answer to this as well.

Regards, Flashman

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