windows7 backwards compatibility question

thinking of getting new pc (possibly laptop maybe)
i just heard from a friend that windows7 is not backward compatible .i heard that there are 3 versions of windows 7 .i have seen home printed on computer boxes in local supermarket. my concern is the backward compatibility issue
and that windows 7 would run il46 for starters

Hey Specter...

Check out some of the threads here - there's been plenty written about Win7 and Il2.

I have Win7 Ultimate and, after disabling the UAC and knocking off the firewall (I use a router that has a firewall), there's been absolutely no issues with running a whole host of older software. Anything that uses 32 bit technology just goes into a folder marked "Program Files (x86)." Shoot, I'm using Office 2002 and an old Canon 3-in-1!

I like the Win7 platform; I went right from WinXP to this and gave the problem-riddled Vista a miss altogether.

As always there's a bunch of new skills need to be learned to get the most out of this but hell, I figure if I can do it anyone can.

Great days all.

I'm using Win 7 home 64 bit and have had no major problems. Like Plantoid 1 said, there are plenty of threads on the subject - on all IL2 websites. Having formerly using XP its a big improvement and worth the effort of adjusting to a new OS.

I'm using Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit, and no Problems with any software so far. I had a slight problem with Photoshop 6.0, but found that all I had to do was copy the installed directory from my Windows XP install to the Windows 7 Program File (x86) directory. I thought it was crazy, but it works just fine. I'm about to try ' Janes LongBow 2 '. z(This should be fun). All in all, I'm very happy with the Windows 7 as far as compatiblility. (Of course my Wubi install of Ubuntu is doing just about the same. !! :roll:

This more or less says it all but what I think your friend is confused over is Microsoft's Emulator program thing (Windows Virtual PC) that you can use to run a virtual emulation of windows XP. Home doesn't have or allow you to install Windows Virtual PC and that's what I think he's got confused with backward compatible. I'm running Win 7 Pro 64bit and only one program out of all the software, game's ect... I used on Win XP that I couldn't get to work and had to use Virtual XP and that's not related to anything IL-2.

[Image: image24.png]

Just use the VMware, it is much better than Virtual PC. There are some trades off that you pay for, but 300 dollars for Ultimate is just outragious.

Gday spectra, windows 7 is definitly a go mate, i aint had any probs with older software at all, just a new layout to get used to and viola, ur on ur way Smile

As for il2, it will definitly run on win7 no worries, after a bit of compatability changing. Its just a matter of finding the executable files for hyperlobby and il2 in your C: drive (NOT the desktop shortcuts), and changing them as such:

Hyperlobby - (hlpro.exe) - change to Win98/ME compatabilty

Il2 - (il2fb.exe) - change to Windows Vista compatabilty

This was the case for me at least, alot of other guys that ive spoken to havnt had this problem, so if ur one of the lucky one's, ur cheerin. But either way, this is here for u just in case Wink

thanks folks
it probably is that emulator thing that got him confused will be meeting him on the weekend and see what he says
my luck my favorite program wil prob need it
vmware will check it out


Windows 7 RC is running out (1 Mar 10). I have just bought a full copy of Win 7 Home Premium.

On the back (before I open it) it says:

"Run many Windows XP productivity applications in Windows XP mode?"

But this is a feature of Win 7 Pro - Not Win 7 Home Pre.

Above are posts about Virtual Machines. I am not interested in that but just want to confirm that the check boxes for:

"Run in XP mode, Service Pack3"
"Run as Administrator"

still function, please?

Any help greatly appreciated.


just picked up a windows 7 laptop home premium installed ,havent in stalled il46 yet still using on old machine. what is this "Run in XP mode, Service Pack3 and how does one select it?

Have installed on Windows 7 premium with OP 32bits this way:
Tried every compatibility fix on Setup.exe, and other install runs; used compatibility for XP SP2 finally.
All I got was SETUP.exe to run and ask what language to use then came to fulll-STOP.
Got it to go again by clicking on the "a" file on disk.
Loaded fine after that. Dont no what is blocking the .exe run. Firewall was deactevated at the time. :?:
:-? :x :???: Sad Smile

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