Angels and Airspeed Servers

Hello all,

The Angels squad has two servers running with UP2.0. The first is our squad-vs-squad and training server. You can find out more about our weekly training session at the Angels site:

The second is a full-switch MDS battle server running mid-war missions.

[Image: angelsairspeed.jpg]
Angels and Airspeed Dogfight Server
- Hyperlobby: Angels+Airspeed on Hyperlobby
- IP:
- Mods required: Ultrapack 2.0

[Image: UPAngels.jpg]
Angels and Airspeed Battle Server
- Hyperlobby: Angls+Airspd_UP on Hyperlobby
- IP:
- Mods required: Ultrapack 2.0

Teamspeak server details
Password: aaa

Hope to see some of you in the skies!

How are the training sessions like? Are they just free hunt or someone teaching the pilots?

Hey Cnopicillin,

We have organized training that follows a syllabus. You can check out the weekly lesson topics on the squad website, either in the forums or under "Members" where it will list what each member has accomplished.

Our primary instructor is the Angels leader - Bard. He's a great teacher and I can say that I've come a long way with his coaching. After the lesson we often practice on each other and then take our squad to one of the Warbird of Prey servers or our own battle server to hone our skills.

Come join in at the forums and you'll get a lot more than I can paraphrase here!

So I can join your lessons without being in [angels] squadron?

If you aren't in the Angels squad, the training is provided more as a service by Bard. He published a book titled "Angels and Airspeed" and he offers his training as a supplement to the book for its owners. For more information on that you'll have to speak directly to him at our forums, I don't want to provide you with false information since that's his operation. Big Grin

Roger that.

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