Crash when using Carrier Take-offs

I've noticed that whenever I set up a mission involving a carrier take-off, either as a pilot for a carrier take-off or else with an AI controlled carrier take-off, the game always crashes after 3 or 4 seconds.

I've taken care to try this out with aircraft that are most certainly suitable for carrier take-offs, but that does not seem to be the issue. No matter which plane I choose, all carrier take-off missions end up crashing after a few seconds. And I am careful to set up a carrier take-off using the 'set' command and all that. In fact, long before, with previous versions of Il-2, I did a few such missions and it all worked as it should. Now I have UP2.0, but I daren't say it has anything to do with this.

So I was wondering if this is anything that is known, or if it the result of any specific mod being installed, or if there is a mod to fix this ...

No big issue really, but it would be nice to fix this even so ...

HSFX works fine for me on carriers and NO-crashes. So it might be U/P, I've heard many U/P players gripe about that issue.
Some have it and some don't its weird.

What mods do you have enabled in JSGME?

very few:

H&P Effects Uranium Edition
ATM Mod original
ZloyPetrushOAAA mod
Realistic Bomb and Torpedo Fusing

just those 4 ...

enable them one by one to find the culpret

I have no mods enabled in JGSME but can't take off from a carrier. All else is good. I would be grateful for some advice.


Well..."can't take off from a carrier" can mean several things, ranging from "my game crashes" like agracier experienced, or "I alway fall of the deck into the water", or "my airplane won't move because I haven't mapped a key to release chocks".

What happens (or doesn't happen) when you try?

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