Revi 01 Wrote:I love this map, and fly it all the time. Of all the photos of the pacific I have seen, and by all written accounts ,the jungle is a massive dense green. Currently the trees on the map do a good job, but can be seen individually from the air.
I want to know if its possible to create a texture that sort of camoflouges the trees??? So the appearance from the air is a more dense looking forest.
I´ve also found that on older maps, especially the standard Il-2 maps that come with the game, that jungle area maps tend to look more like a typical European forest than a jungle.
But the main trouble is that as far as WOODS texture generated trees go (those generated by RGB 24 on map_t), none are really very jungle like.
I tried a different approach to making a jungle looking map by not using RGB 24 on these maps, and by leaving aside these 3d trees, I made my own jungle textures (from Google Earth - where else?) that looked far more dense and a darker green. The downside of this method is that there are no trees in 3D and if you land on this kind of terrain, you will not crash against 3d trees as would have happened otherwise. Landings are possible which is totally outside of any kind of realism factor. But the big plus side to this method is that you can use as many texture slots as you wish to make jungle terrain. It all depends on how you wish to assign textures and which terrain types you think most important for any given map.
With the traditional RGB 24 method for 3d trees, you can assign 2 textures to a forest area. With the above method you can assign 3, 4, 5, 8 or whatever number of textures you wish to jungle areas, giving them a much more varied look.
Another way is to use a dense green texture for jungle as RGB 24, but to then use ´invisible´ transparent trees in the slots for forest textures. That way you get the jungle ´look´ from above and yet still crash in flames when approaching ground level and ´invisible´ trees ...
All of that said, I doubt that you could do much in the way of replacing textures on the Slot map. Ideally it´s best to build a map with the tree generating method already in mind, and to work from there onwards.