HSFX 6.0 FMB - explaination?

Does anyone have any documentation on all the features in the FMB? There are things probably from 4.11 but I can't find full explainations for everything. Things such as runway lights, radar, etc.

My old scenerios that had runway lights now have them on all the time, not just when requested.

Also, Objects....where is the static.ini file for HSFX6.0/IL24.11 used by the objectviewer program?


Try this for at least the basics in Full Mission Builder:

There are other websites which give tutorials, even some on YouTube for Full Mission Builder. The 242nd squadron might have more specific help.


Was hoping for a more indepth explanation of the new features, such as afac etc.

The installer creates a folder in your il2 root folder called:-

HSFX V6 Tools & Read me's

C&C readme.pdf is probably the relevant document ?.

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