Spitfire engine problens.

5min max. In game, 7min + overheating time.

Yes, 2min, it's 2min... but during fight, minuts can be very long.

Lol.. 2 mins! C'mon, If it was taking 25 mins before overheat on combat power I could understand the need to fix it...
This game is great and I love it, but it's only a game.. We tend to refer to it as a simulator, but it's not, believe me. If it was it would be far more complex and demanding..
Why we have the need to try to demand that every little facet has to be exactly like the makers specification and pilots notes is beyond me.
If you lined up 12 MkIX's, they wouldn't all behave exactly the same way.. Some would be faster than others, some would overheat a little quicker than others.. there would be the Sqn 'nail'.
Performance would differ due to how individual pilots flew them... So for the sake of a couple of mins in a game, I'd say it's nothing really to get excited about..

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