Missions in NETCACHE

HI all !

I try to know how to get the missions downloaded in my /netcache !!! The probleme is the file .MIS is crypted !!!

A solution ??

Thx a lot for your great job to make this game better !!! Smile Smile

Nobody knows if its possible ???? :o

There was a program that could read some information of the missions,mainly briefings but could not open them.They have been crypted and as far as i know nobody has managed to open them to this day.

Thx a lot for your answer !! Smile it could be interesting to create a prog to get all this crypted mission !! Wink

It's probably easier to just ask nicely from the host who is running those missions in server then to try decrypting them :wink:

Most missions can be found in mission4today.com or from different squadron or server websites.

Thx Smile

Host if you got time, could you create a little mod which enables to get and use the mission crypted in the NETCACHE ? :roll: :roll: :roll:

Thx a lot for your precious HELP. Smile Tongue

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