All what need to be help to modding a 3d model under 3DS

okey, here now i start a thread we speak over making new model under 3d studio max.

So in first time, into IL2 Game model need to have "LOD", so now i start first step with explain what is lod so that new starter understand better what is needed to make model.

Quote:Also consider this: are you willing to spend 10 hours on your There hoverboard model? 20 hours? 30 hours? Modeling objects for There is no small feat. Creating an initial model which looks good is only the beginning. You then need to worry about reducing vertex and polygon counts to satisfy hoverboard constraints. You need to create 3 separate LODs (levels of detail). You need to unwrap UVW vertices onto a 2D bitmap and manually adjust all vertices, for every LOD. You need to paint the hoverboard skin. Thank you for spending time reading this document, and goodbye, if you are the faint hearted type.

In broadest terms, the desired polygon count for a particular model is dependent on three major factors:

* The amount of screen real-estate that the model is likely to be viewed at the majority of time that a user will be seeing it (i.e. a 2 meter long rocket doesn't deserve the same order of magnitude of attention to detail as a large base or vessel unless the rocket is expected to be mounted in front of a camera. Likewise, even at the same level of attention in terms of polygons per square meter, it would have far fewer total polygons.)

* The intrinsic surface complexity of the model. If one is modeling a box for freight cargo, one is not going to need as many polygons as if one needed to model one of the Vega Strike developers (not that we're necessarily model material ;-)). If you don't use enough polygons, no amount of texture magic can save a model from being ugly. That said, if you are modeling a cargo freight container and you use thousands of polygons, you're being negligent and wasteful of resources.

* Engine limitations. Engine limitations is a bit of a misnomer, as the performance of the graphical engine is more hardware dependent than anything else, but it's a good heading for lumping any non-artistic hurdles under. This is the most complicated of the three major factors, because it represents a moving target. Suffice it to say that in order to preserve playability on a broad range of systems, there is a premium placed on making a model aesthetically appropriate with the minumum number of polygons.

now i think you understand what is Meaning by keyword "LOD" and what is to make if a moder would mod a "Lod" model for IL2 Game engine,

here is used 3 'LOD" but the number under IL2 game engine, you should self control, ilf this number are now 3,4,5. (for me is this unknow)

Quote:First we need to review the terminology used in gmax and 3DS. An Editable Mesh is a set of triangles that define the surface of an object in 3D space. At the lowest level, we have vertices, which are just 3D coordinates. An edge connects two vertices. A face is a triangle that contains three edges and three vertices. A polygon usually contains more than 3 edges. Polygons are usually shown in viewports as quadrilaterals, with a hidden edge dividing each quad into triangles. An element is a subset of faces in an editable mesh. An element is created when you attach one mesh to another. You can also designate arbitrary faces as belonging to a particular element at any time.

Let's take some time to consider other constraints imposed by There on our hoverboard model. The hoverboard template html document lists the following constraints:

However, significant discression, and the possibility for using large numbers of polygons to prettify an object remain with the artist, provided they make appropriate use of [Terminology:LODs|LODs]. The primary focus needs to be on making a model aesthetically appropriate, for an intended common viewing distance, and then catering to the needs of the engine by introducing lower LODs (if necessary) and catering to artistic desires by introducing higher LODs (if appropriate). There is also an element of minor future proofing that occurs with providing a robust range of LOD polycounts - namely, multiple versions of the dataset can be constructed targeted at different hardware points by shifting up or down along the LOD set (although this currently isn't bothered with, if and when we develop a true source repository for models and textures, this will likely become more common, as postprocessing of submitted art will become tenable).

One more point to consider before attempting to set a polygon goal for a model is what the likely total contribution from all instances on screen of a given model will be - if the model represents something particulary rare, then it is likely that a few more polygons can easily be spared on its model than for more common objects of otherwise similar size, complexity, etc.

Above all, use common sense - if it's visually hideous because it doesn't have enough polygons, it's not your top level model, and if it's in the 5 digit range for polygon count, it's not your lowest level LOD. Take into consideration how much screen real estate, based on the intended in-game size of the model (and if you don't have any idea how big it's supposed to be - you're doing something wrong already) the model will be taking up at various distances, and calibrate detail appropriately (this will become a much easier task once there is a visual modeling tool from the VS side) - to belabor the obvious, the difference between 500 polygons and 5000 gets somewhat obscured when the object is only drawn using 64 pixels. Note therefore that larger objects will often necessitate higher polygon counts merely because there's more of them to see.

(Note that there is no need to continue adding LODs beyond a point of "diminishing artistic returns" - if adding more detail won't help, don't bother. If adding detail helps, but is too expensive to be practical, then it may still be worthwhile for later inclusion as hardware resources increase.)

For small to moderate craft and installations, something along the lines of either of the following is not inappropriate:

(Exponential Scaling)

* LOD 0

many thanks for sharing .....

if you like i could make sticky out of this .... just say


yes if you would add a sticky, this will help good all modder!

because this thread is long, so i will add all informations we i have found on web.

but i need a bit help, i should just have a complete directory of contain from a plane model, so that i can compare it with my data.

So if a people can make a zip file from a complete directory, so mesh and all data.

this can good me help to understand difference between other game and this.

Okey, if nothing people would me send a directory contain, so i should follow with touching blind different text.

so now so we you have all read over technical word, here now i can better start to explain this on following help.

Quote:Requirements to modelling 3D model for IL2 game.

To make a category Aircraft.

Model must consist of the following parts:

1. The forward fuselage, which includes engine section for the 1- motor 1- aircraft fuselage, or flight deck for the multiengine aircraft.
2. Centre fuselage.

3. Aft fuselage section. Note. If several fuselages, then should each is divided into parts described above.

4. keel (or keels, if them several)

5. Stabilizers, leftist and right.

6. Elevators, leftist and right.

7. Rudder.

8. Center sections, wing left and right (only of 2 details)

9. Wing center section, leftist and right (only of 2 details)

10. Outer wing panel, leftist and right (only of 2 details)
Note. Each wing (leftist right), should to be divided into approximately 3 equal parts, as it is described above. If prototype - biplane, should then thus divide it self all its wings.

11. Ailerons, leftist and right.

12. Flaps, leftist and right. If flap on the prototype is not separate (as on I -16) that it is done by one detail, without the separation into the left and right sides.

13. Chassis. Rack support consists of the following separate parts: wheel; the lower (mobile) part of the shock absorber; the upper part of the shock absorber; lower half of "scissors"; upper half of "scissors" (if they there is); struts; the shields of chassis. If shield on the prototype is securely fastened on the landing gear strut and move only with it together, then it is possible to join to the appropriate detail and on the model.

14. Air blade together with the fairings.

15. If aircraft is multiengine, then each pod must consist of 2- X of the parts: (a) directly of nacelle and (b) of the engine compartment.

16. Visual model damages. Each of the described parts of the glider (on 3 parts of each wing, 3 parts of the fuselage, keel, 2 stabilizers) they must have silencers at the points of their junction with other details of model. This is necessary so that on the spot of these details after their detachment would be formed "fragments". Each silencer consists of directly the silencer, which closes hole in the "parental" detail and imitations of the fragments, torchashchikh from the silencer. Furthermore, for the basic LOD of model (LOD_0) should be prepared the collection of ribs for the rudders, the ailerons and the flap (for the shields - not necessarily), which will be visible through the holes in the skin during their damage. Also it is possible to prepare a similar collection and for it is wing and the stabilizers (see I -16 in the game).

The texture of model must be the size of 1024х1024 pixel and include all details described above. Furthermore, must be prepared with 2 additional textures contain damages. Should be carried out them in the form it is layer in PSD file of basic texture. The first layer includes easy damages - bullet holes, holes in the linen parts of the skin, etc., the second - heavy damages - large holes in the skin, scraps of skin, formed with the detachment of the parts of the aircraft, etc.

Amount of LOD: LOD- models - 5, from LOD_0 to LOD_4. For the models from LOD_0 to LOD_3 should be created the additional, simplified models for the projection of shadow. Are designated below as YLOD_.n. Shadow for LOD_0 is created on basis of LOD_2, for LOD_1 - on basis of LOD_3 and the like.

Quantity of ranges (not more indicated number) depending on LOD and aircraft type, without including the silencer:

LOD_0 (YLOD_0) 3500 (800)
LOD_1 (YLOD_1) 2500 (500)
LOD_2 (YLOD_2) 1500 (150)
LOD_3 (YLOD_3) 400 (80)
LOD_4 150

LOD_0 (YLOD_0) 4000 (1000)
LOD_1 (YLOD_1) 3000 (600)
LOD_2 (YLOD_2) 2000 (200)
LOD_3 (YLOD_3) 600 (100)
LOD_4 200

A quantity of ranges for each cockpit model - to 3500, if cockpit is one-place, or to 4000, if in the cockpit several work sites. For each cockpit it is possible to use several textures, each by size is not more than 256x256 pixels.

So here you know exactly, the different parts we modder should make to build a plane, and amount of face we IL2 game model of aircraft need!
So to a single motor engine, category fighter or fighter bomber, or recon or any other small plane, we use a single motor engine, should have maximum of 3500 face and Ylod should have 800 face, and LOD_4 dont contain Ylod.

So it's all to this night, so modder don't receive to many brain schock.

... i just spotted this thread ....see if it helps ...



hummmmmm i have forgot to read this beautiful thread, and yes this will helpful!

but so i can right follow to done other information about other model!

Quote:Ships and vessels.

Battleships together with the superstructures must be divided along the length into 3 approximately equal parts. Furthermore, in the form of individual parts must be manufactured the mobile objects: stems, the gun turrets, directors, torpedo tubes and the like for LOD_0, 1 and 2 should be prepared the "damaged" to version models - with the fallen or lopsided masts, the pipes, other details of superstructures. Requirements for models for the projection of shadow use same as for the aircraft. Texture. All details, except hand ropes must be placed on one texture by the size of 1024x1024 pixel. Texture of hand ropes - taylovaya, with the alpha channel, with size to 64x64 pixel. In the basic texture should be carried out 1 layer with the drawn damages - holes, the tracks of fire, etc.

Quantity of ranges (not more indicated number) depending on LOD and the type of the vessel:

(if you will make submarine, than i think this is right category, so for create sub attack mission, or pt boat)

small ship category
LOD_0 (YLOD_0) 1500 (800)
LOD_1 (YLOD_1) 800 (400)
LOD_2 (YLOD_2) 400 (150)
LOD_3 (YLOD_3) 200 (80)
LOD_4 70

Medium ship category
LOD_0 (YLOD_0) 4000 (1000)
LOD_1 (YLOD_1) 2500 (600)
LOD_2 (YLOD_2) 1000 (300)
LOD_3 (YLOD_3) 500 (80)
LOD_4 100

heavy superstructure(CV,BB,BBH....)
LOD_0 (YLOD_0) 8000 (2000)
LOD_1 (YLOD_1) 3000 (1000)
LOD_2 (YLOD_2) 1000 (300)
LOD_3 (YLOD_3) 500 (80)
LOD_4 100

Cool, thx for the info.

Cheers, Neil Smile

yes, but i think example make a submarine, and so that fighter bomber should him destroy, i think pilot should have many experience by little target to kill him.

but it give many possibility.

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