Request: If anyone mods the Japanese fighing boats...

Just a quick little request for anyone who finds themselves modding the Japanese fishing boats.

It would be nice if we had some variety, some with sails up, and some with them down and maybe a couple of different "colors"/textures (?) Again, this fishing boat (around the world) is ubiquitous symbol of the rural sea side... and some variety would be great.

I wonder why no-one had made a Chinese style "junk"???

Japanese fishing boat
[Image: krait.jpg]

Chinese "junk"
[Image: chinese_junk.jpg]

i think there is a fishingboat in the originalgame 1 armed and 1 unarmed, or did i didnt understand the question?

Jarehead Wrote:i think there is a fishingboat in the originalgame 1 armed and 1 unarmed, or did i didnt understand the question?

Ya, I know... my request is asking if (the next time someone is re-skinning the boats) if someone can take a look at the fishing boats we have. Also a small request for some Asian (Chinese) junks...

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