My default ships have dissolved into the binary universe!

I have installed the shippacks 1 & 2 and now when I went back to fly an old campaign "Facing the wind" the ships are gone! Starting up mis 7 I find myself and my squad floting around in the sea with no carrier or escort ships around!? I opened FMB and checked and there is no "Ships" line in the dropdown menu! Only the "Ships Pack" and "Stationary Ships Pack"!! Where did the default go???
Any help will be honoured!


did you REPLACE the contents of the ships.ini with the ADD-TO data by any chance?

You're right...... my Generic Battleships and KGV and its clones do not appear in the mission...they show in the FMB though????

No. I managed to fix my problem.

But I will say that if you are doing any alterations to the static/technics/chiefs/ships inis then they must be correct....... I simply put a . instead of a / and it caused my BB to not show
sometimes it doesn't allow the game to load at all

All I do when installing new items that dont include an autoinstaller is open "Files compare tool" and merge the missing lines into appropiate .ini files. Might there be an autoinstaller somewhere exchanging contents in an ini? I am only using AAA mods by the way!
Anyway ff can you please mail me your inis for me to compare? I

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