The problem with bullet "whizz" sounds that makes


Bullets break the sound barrier, therefore you should hear a sonic boom - a CRACK!

Only when bullets slow under the sound barrier should you hear "Whoosh!"

Since the majority of bullets we see are fired from short range, we should have mostly "snap," "crackle," or "pop" sounds. I have had bullets fired over my head and I know what they sound like. Ask anyone who has pulled targets at a rifle range before and they'll tell you what bullets grazing past you sound like!

What do you think?

you are correct... only a few mods ( from other games ) actually use them.. like Project reality and Forgotten hope 2 for the Battlefield 2 game

Inside a noisy aircraft with leather helmet, ear phones and padding, I doubt you'd hear a bullet going by at all. But yeah... that "whoosh" noise as shells or bullets go by when viewing a ground battle are quite unrealistic.

try this ... nd_MGs.rar


I particularly hate the richochet sounds that trigger when you fire at an aircraft jinking near the ground and some of your shells hit the turf. The idea that you could hear cowboy film richochets inside the cockpit as bullets bounce off the ground is just ludicrous. Trouble is, I can't find the relevant sound file... Cry

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