Help with Bridges [Please!!!]

Hey everyone, I read in the Tutorial about how to work bridges in the unlocked FMB.

I added the commands to my Builder Hotkeys in Config.sys,

But I'm still having trouble with these bridges...

I can't seem to select on the bridge Icon, Ive tried to use the following,

Quote:You need to set more Hot-Key options in conf.ini

I have used these entries

Shift NumPad-4=bridgeLeft
Shift NumPad-6=bridgeRight
Shift NumPad-8=bridgeOffset+
Shift NumPad-2=bridgeOffset-

bridgeLeft - rotates anticlockwise
bridgeRight - rotates clockwise
Offset moves the bridge along the axis of the route, but only up to half a pixel each way.

In addition Home and End rotates through the list of bridge options
Page Up/Down increases or reduces the number of spans

But I'm getting no results, the only way I can delete the short east to west bridge spans is to hit CreateBridge and sometimes that crashes the pc.

*Tears Hair Out*

Plz Help Fella's! Thanks and Happy New Year!

Exist a option, can't remember the name, is on the FMB

I found it really hard to select for ages. You need to click to the side of the bridges. Another easier way is to change the icon size to huge and then they're easy to select. Then hit 'DEL' to delete them Smile

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