Dyn. Campaign Debriefing Buttons Dissapeared?

At the end of a mission in the Dynamic Campaign, it seems that the buttons have disappeared. The text is still there and the "buttons" work if you happen to put your mouse over them because once the mouse leaves the map, it also disappears. I have installed the AAA mod along with the language fix and all seems well other than this. Any ideas? IS there a file that I need to edit? Please make this "computer illiterate" friendly.


I have vista 64; amd quad;6 g memory ;2 disk drivers (IL-2 only works on 2nd disk drive ?); x52;hd 4850 ati. I have IL-2 1946; 4.08, 4.09 ;and UI 1.1 . Ran Il-2 for 2 years on 4.09 and was ok ! This all started after a while on UI 1.1 .
My buttons ,scrool bar , and read me file on right side do the following ! for a few (new) missions they are ok,then they start to flutter for a few missions, then they are flashing on and off, then they flash no more are just gone !! Does this for dgen and ngen .
When I change conf and save the changes it works for one mission and goes back to the orig setting. When setting up a mission I can only setup perfect in custom and when I fly a mission all sky and ground are bleck so I have to go to excellent.
I have delete all on IL-2 using an unisteller and then reformated my disk drive. Then installed IL-2, 4.08,4.09,UI 1.1 and same thing as above happens.

Thanks to all;


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