What map are you making?

What map are you making?
Just thought I'd start a discussion for those of you who want to chime in and let everyone know what you're working on. This way other people will know what projects are in the works.

Myself? I'm working on FabianFred's BurmaLower map.
Who's next?

I've been playing with a scaled map from Celebres/Ambon Indonesia, east to the western half of New Guinea. South to north Australia. This should cover the Dutch East Indies, west Papua & north/north-western Australian theatres.

English Channel (final release) and then my MTO map (currently WIP) after that.

I'm doing the Sakishima islands and Formosa. I'll be releasing a map covering just the Sakishima island in a few weeks and then finish my larger Formosa/Sakishima map.

ive always wanted to try to make a grand canyon map. sure it would be historical, but dogfighting while navigating a canyon always sounded like such a blast to me. perhaps if i ever had the free time or will to do it.....

I'm working (slowly) on a map called "Army Group Centre" which will cover the Belarus-Smolensk-Bryansk area. The map would be suitable for Operation Bagration and the Smolensk battles in summer-fall 1943.




Denmark (includes southern Sweden, northern Germany + parts of Poland and The Netherlands).

1:1 scale, big map Confusedhock:

See thread (The link is inoperative)

Three maps: West Borneo, East Borneo and East Java. See (The link is inoperative). Maps are still in their infancy (Version so don't expect anything soon; I'm still learning how to use Photoshop, GIMP and all the other mapmaking stuff as I go forward.
The maps and updates have been passed on to Serval and through him to a few others for comments and criticism where applicable.
Re Big_yamato's West Java map, I haven't heard from him for quite a while so I don't know whether he is still working on it or not.

1. New Midway campaign map - 600 x 600km with Midway in the centre.
2. New Hawaii - much larger with other Hawaian islands included.
3. New Singapore dogfight map - 120 x 120 km with Singapore in the centre.

All completely remade and all historically correct as far as possible. And all a long way off Sad
Midway first, then who knows?


Corsica - C

Hi there

I've never made an original map before have just been given maps and do not know the procedures of making an original map.

First ORIGINAL PROJECT over the next week or so

Espirito Island and possibly surrounding islands.

Will be following the new map making for beginners tutorioral with this one.

Second GIVEN PROJECT over some months

UPPER BURMA Thank you Fabian Fred.

I also have Northern Australia and PNG.

for later later on



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