Please It is possible to do hurricane Mk IV from mk II by adding new loadout options and new engine fm ? :?:
Actually, though the intention of the locked weapons, FM, DM has some VERY valuable merit, just like all sweeping decisions, both the bad and the good are kept in check.
Now I think we all can see where changing weapon effectiveness can be a huge problem, where FM & DM can be another can of worms, yet adding historical loadouts should not be a problem if some thought goes into it first.
* Cannot change types of guns (iow, add 20mm in place of .50cal where there were none and should only be an option....locked loadouts prevent issues)
* Cannot change weapon effectiveness
* Cannot change belting configurations including rounds available
* Cannot change spread and syncronization
* Can add drop tanks and combinations of (many planes though they could carry 2, would carry 1 only, and be able to drop just 1)
* Can make dropable weapons and tanks selective on those aircraft that could do so....Ex. Most Japanese aircraft with a pylon under each wing could drop one or the other or both.
* Can add dropable ordinance if historical
* Can alter aircraft aspects relating to weapons cosmetically....Ex. Japanese aircraft did not carry pylons/ordinance rails unless carrying external stores....In kind the bomb had a ring on it, and the pylon had anti-rocker cradles.
Lastly the U.I. types of patches keep all in check who wish it....IOW, those choosing to not use the UI risk crt=2 as they would NOT have the additional loadouts. In kind the U.I. would keep folks on the same page.
As per the site rules changing loadouts are only allowed for specific new aircraft in new slots, where these should be historically based and very well researched, afaik (I'm not a moderator or admin or anything). I think this mostly relates to having good respect for the enthusiastic Il2 community as a historical-mod and game improvement/expansion site here at AAA. No online cheats are allowed, so no FM/WM/DM changes to existing aircraft slots.
So there is no reason I can see against a modder releasing a "Hurricane MkIIC Burma mod" version, featuring theatre-specific loadouts, in a new aircraft selection slot and perhaps include any other changes which may be necessary for the type/deployment (two 53gal droptanks for example were also used in Burma on the IIC). It is reasonable to suggest that loadouts changed entirely depending on service deployment and theatre, so one must view existing aircraft slots with this consideration in mind. If you want to go into full detail, different fuel qualities and manifold pressures were available by theatre and deployment too, which alter outputs and flying characteristics. You could even represent certain field conditions and theatre specific parts availability with altered damage modelling on these new slot aircraft.
The MkIV Hurricane was basically an extension of the MkIID with a new "universal" wing from what I know of it (originally called the MkIIE then the motor was updated, the MkIII had a Packard so it became the MkIV). Basic armament was two .303 Brownings integrally but the 40mm gunpods or alternatively bombs or HE60lb/AP25lb rocket loadouts could be fitted under the wings. It was the first British fighter to mount the 60lb/25lb rockets. It had more armour than earlier Hurricanes too, appeared just at the end of the African campaign I think, was sort of like an early Typhoon for deployment purposes. Motor was the Merlin 20-series (23, 24 and 27, 24 produces around 1650hp). This is definitely an important variant.
A lot of people also want to see MkIIA/B/C variants with volks filters fitted. Considering they were also made in Canada in large numbers (as the MkX, XI and XII) new slots could perhaps be Canadian build, just for syntax and cosmetics (and to keep a cleaner Il2 installation).
I guess it comes down to how much in demand a new slot aircraft mod is, and what the modders already have on their plate.