KI-46 speed and altitude problem

I have a problem with the KI-46. With supercharger stage 2 and WEP i only reach an altitude of 6600 meters/20000ft and a very low speed of 200 km/h. It is impossible to catch a high flying B-29 Have someone an idea?

Low speed? Be careful, because if your setup shows indicated airspeed you are actually flying much faster. You might want to try dropping some flap, combat or takeoff level at the most, though this will cause drag as well. Have you tried playing with the propellor pitch settings? Another important control is mixture. As you get higher you will need to reduce it to maintain full power.

you can easily make the service ceiling of 10,720 meters with no WEP. or flap
you will need to reduce your mix to about 40% gradually as you climb and add supercharger when passing 5000 mtrs, and trim the aircraft
WEP is exactly that emergency power and is not needed for regular flight
when you hit altitude, the plane becomes less stable and requires little movement of your stick, and your speed will increase when levelled out.

note the altitude on the speed bar in the pics and you will see that the extra 400 mtrs is achievable.

10370 mtrs
[Image: picture031.jpg]

10170 mtrs
[Image: picture030.jpg]

Thanks for your answers.
To reduce the mix about 40% was the right solution.

You also might try bringing the pitch back just a little to see if that will help out any. Also keep in mind that a B-29 is pretty darn fast at can go well over 300mph TAS up that high. It'll be tough running one down if it's got a head of steam up Wink

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