Requesting the "Hispano 20mm" sound replacement

Hey all.

I'm dying to replace the 20mm cannon sounds for all the planes, and I can't find any that I like. I stumped upon a thread titled "new Hispano 20mm sounds" a few days ago, only to find that the link is no longer active. Which is sad, because it was my favorite 20mm sound replacement back before my laptop got stolen. Now I'm stuck with the default cannon sounds, and they're not very good.

Would anyone happen to have the file in question?


While that is indeed awesome, it's not exactly what I'm looking for. I'm terrible at ripping sounds to put into the game, so yeah :-?

Maybe someone can edit this to the files ... f6e8ebb871

I've converted it to MP3 file, maybe a sound modder can do something with it??

And yes indeed, it's sounds very good :twisted:

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