Battle of France Mission - Eben Emael Fortress Para assualt

Salud all.

Here is my second Battle of France mission on Ashes' great map. THis is based on the assault by German paratroopers on the great fortress of Eben Emael on the Belgian border. Largely forgotten now, this battle was significant as the only really clearly successful use of paratroopers by the Germans in the war. (The conquest of Crete was successful; also; but at great cost, and due to some extent to allied bungling). The capture of Eben Emael on the first day of the blitzkrieg was a master stroke; and greatly accelerated the German advance into the low countries; and the capitulation of Belgium and The Netherlands.

With the limitations of the game it is not possible to recreate the full scale of the attack, but you get a feel for it I hope in this mission.

Written for zuti mode but suitable for coops. Many credits due - Ashes for the map; the plane modders for the Blenheim IF; possibly my favourite plane in the whole game; skinners espescially Zeppo who sourced and I think made the Belgian Gladiator skins; and all my mates who fly this sim.

Here's the link :


Thank you click on the link

Hey Kilo!

Tested the mission and works great. Map is sweet!

Those stupid gladiators kicked my 109 ass though... :???:

Wondering what will be your next mission now, as this one was totally unexpected!

Hi thanks for the replies. Looking forward to trying out your mission; darky! I made this one after reading about the raid in a book about Crete recently. I became fascinated by the raid so read a bit more and just had to make the mission! It's a real challenge to get the paraatroopers to land right in the fort, and I could not get the gliders to land as close as I wanted, but I was satisfied with the results. If you fly red and get amongst the Ju52s, you can rack up a huge score! 8)

Anyway I hope you enjoyed it. I had to cut down the number of paratroopers to keep the lag down. I had the same problem with a Crete mission I wrote some time ago, but I'm going to have another go at that one soon.

Ok see you.

Have fun

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