TIB:s Latest WIP: Middle-East 1947

TIB is proud to announce new map. It fills a big cap, namely Indepence war of Israel 1947-48 and Suez Crisis 1956.
Map will be come in several parts, because the Area was chancing rapidly between 1947 and 1956. We migh add 1967 war map too, but the palneset is not here, so...
Map is at early stage. Roads are there and the terrain looks amazing, Thank's to Agraciers amazing talent as a Deutchmark of mapmaking (lol).
Here is the area:
[Image: ed_M01_1947.jpg]
I have been in Israel as photographer. I used to live in Old town of Jerusalem at weird Hotel called New Imperial. It is located near Jaffa Gate. I must say that after New York, Jerusalem is the most freakiest place i've been. Populating Jerusalem and Israel is now possible with beautifull Objects of DLV and others. Besides we have now jets, so 1956 scenario is also possible to make. I was planning to make sc "frankenmap" by using Italy online, but this will look so much better. If there are somebody from Israel, i would preciate some help, because i can't understant hebrew.
My Grandmother did come from jewish family and i only discovered it, when i was addult. Her family did live in Viborg and St. Petersburg. That is all that i know...
She and her sister were only survivad members of the big family. Sister moved to Palestine at 20Confused and 30Confused and died in Israel way back in 70Confused. Never met her, which i'm sorry.

Life of my gradparents in Finland was hard during 30Confused and WW2, and they decited to keep grandmothers background as a secret. My grandfather used to be in Russian army and he did participated to Finnish Civil war as a underofficer in Finnish White Army. After that he became a pacifist and yet he had to see his son to go to war in Finnish army.

Son was even hospitalized to Germany after he was shot to knee by a sniper. His name was Samuel. but for some reason, during boat trip to Germany, name was changed to Samuli. He did see Hitler, when Fuhrer payed a visit at the Mil. Hospital where he was stationed. LOL!
So it is quite understandable that my grandmother wanted to keep her background as a secret from us kids.

This map has some special meaning to me and i want to make it as good as i possible can to honour my grandparents memory

wow---very cool

I look forward to it.

Brilliant idea! Long awaited addition! 8)

Great Idea... and very interesting family history.



Looks great!

Just a question; is there any point making a 67 version of this map? We'd need Phantoms, Mirage's, MiG 17/21's, Sukhoi's etc.. Isn't that a little too "advanced" ?

but anyways, thanks making this map, its going to be awesome to fly in/over Israel and the surrounding countries..

(For future posters of this thread, please please please, don't make it into a discussion about politics! Wink )

Yea, I was over there at that time, on the USS America. We don't have anything in IL2 like we had on the Big A.

S~ Been waiting for this one!!! Look forward 2 it

Not quite the same scale as my Middle East map. It's a huge under taking but it coming along slowly....so much coastline..so little time..

[Image: 2B_ME_Map.jpg]

[quote="2bits"]Not quite the same scale as my Middle East map. It's a huge under taking but it coming along slowly....so much coastline..so little time..quote]
OMG That is a big map!
Good luck!
I never knew that somebody else is working with this area.
We were thinking about 1967 version too, but we don't have plane set (yet). I will make 1950Confused map (or actually Actors.static.) I need to finish some other project's like Andalucia map before i can fully concentrate to this map...
BTW My map is defenedly NOT intended to be a political, racial or religious statement about situation in Middle_East. I just want to fly over this magnificent area. And the same goes with all my other maps aswell! They are just maps for a computer game!

GJE52 Wrote:Great Idea... and very interesting family history.


Thanks mate. Saddest thing is that big part of that history is unknown to me.... Cry And it might be better to not know all the nasty details.

The reason the map is so large is so different eras can be made onto the same map area from 1948 to as late as you like. One the most time consuming aspects has been researching old photo's and maps to make sure the geography, airfields and settlements are correct for the appropriate years. I've been working on this map for at least 8 months now trying to make it as historical accurate as possible.

As for politics.....no sweat. It's an area that has had conflict for thousands of years.


2bits Wrote:The reason the map is so large is so different eras can be made onto the same map area from 1948 to as late as you like. One the most time consuming aspects has been researching old photo's and maps to make sure the geography, airfields and settlements are correct for the appropriate years. I've been working on this map for at least 8 months now trying to make it as historical accurate as possible.

As for politics.....no sweat. It's an area that has had conflict for thousands of years.

Man. These maps takes ages to complete. I have been working with agracier on Andalucia 6 months and my little Kt_Finland took 3 months and i never counted the working hours...
reserching is one of the most exciting parts.
I'm not trying to recreate the Holy Land, the big Guy will do that someday (lol) i just want to give players the immersion of Palestine, so my map is not 100% accurate, so we are at different league.
Do you have much work left? If you are almost done, i will abandon this project, because it would be stupid to do it again. Or do you perhaps need some help?If so, just PM to me!

Help would be very good. I'll get my thoughts and plans together and PM you...

2bits Wrote:Help would be very good. I'll get my thoughts and plans together and PM you...
Anytime m8!

Hi Kapteeni,

The Israeli community has been helping 2bits (B.Bury) where we can with his map.

Speaking for the community, we are very excited about his map and definately appreciate any support.

We have a developers forum open specificaly for this map over at 242squadron website (if you like, please register and PM me when done so I will request they grant you access as its a private forum).

Theres some information there which I'm sure you will find usefull:
Pictures of airfields, cities, towns, maps, the Hejaz railroad system, translation of documents, etc)

The Israeli IL2 community numbers around 30 pilots who regularly fly online in the various servers found on Hyperlobby, and I believe over 50 more who fly offline. We are also very much involved in the Scorched Earth Campaigns (SEOW), flying online campaigns with many squads from around the world. Most of our activity can be seen on our hebrew forum at www.preflight.us and our international activity through 242sqn's forum.

Speaking of the Italy online map, we did run a SEOW campaign (1948 Independance War) with 242sqn and 102nd Yugoslavian squadron on the Italy map back in 2007. It was tons of online fun, but could be so much more immersive if in the furture we would have an authentic map of the middle east.

The Israeli community's expectations from this map is that we hope we'll be able to use it in an online on Dogfight & Coop Servers and import the map into the SEOW database for SEOW online campaigns.

To this effect we are hoping that the map will be playable online. If the release version turns out too memory heavy to run online, we hope there could be a second lighter version of the map, tailored for online play (like done on several heavy maps in IL2).

In summary we are very much hoping to see this project come to fruition and the map being released soon, and appreciate your support.

If you need any help with translations and searching for researching hebrew documents, please feel free to PM me.

Appreciate your efforts!


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