FMB Maps for B-29 Alley

I made this new FMB map for B-29 Alley as a request.It's the standard type with flags and period posters and more colorful relief for the land areas.

Thought it might be of interest to other members as well.

By the way - if anyone has any particular, appropriate text in Japanese characters tat can be added under the 3 Japanese flags, it would great to be able to add it to these maps. Just to balance out the English text on the bottom. But it would need to be large enough in size to use on this somewhat large map. The English fonts were in the range of 100 / 75 point.

[img][Image: FMBB-29ed_m02.jpg]

copy into your B-29_Alley folder, overwrite the existing ed_m01/02.tga files, but only after having made backups of course.[/img]

I don't have the map but thanks.

Do you know if the Kyushu here has the same scale than the stock Kyushu? I would like to put my textures in it. Same for us bases

redko Wrote:Do you know if the Kyushu here has the same scale than the stock Kyushu? I would like to put my textures in it. Same for us bases

I am quite certain that the stock Kyushu can be used to put the textures for the Kyushu area in this map. In fact, when making these FMB maps, I simply used the FMB maps i had already made for Kyushu and Okinawa, put them together, added layers for Guam and the Marianas and then did the flag/poster thing ... they all fit perfectly.

So I'd say yes - you can use Kyushu and Okinawa to build a new texture map for B-29 Alley. All you'd need to do is add Guam and the Marianas.

The only 'problem' I had was the size. B-29 is a large map and takes a lot out of a graphics editor. I had to work from a small sized original and then upscale for ed_M01.tga, instead of the other way around.

This map has potentional especially for those squads who fly in this area of the Pacific. Mustang VLR flights out of Iwo Jima and B-29 Heavies out of Tinian and Guam.

I'm sure Sakagawa and the 200th Sentai would enjoy this map as well.

Big Grin

I realy like this map, cant wate for updates.

Might be a good idea to index these .tga's

The ed_m01.tga is 221 mb
I indexed this .tga and it is now only 73.8 mb

The ed_map02.tga is 55.3 mb
after I indexed this .tga it dropped to 18.4 mb

Really nice looking ed_maps, thanks


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