me-262,i-16 5 and go-229 sight help

this is probably a stipid thing to ask but the sights on the me and go are really diificult to use is there any way to change them to a p-51s or migs sights.The i-16 5 has this teloscopic sight on it how do you use it.Also while im asking about sights why do the bf109s sights only show half of the sight.

Go into your control menu. There you will find a lot of functions that you need, such as Gunsight View (Shift +F1)

i did that on the i-16 but the screen just turns black

You have to press CTRL+D to get away the scope cover Smile

Assign a key" Toggle teinted reticle dimmer" , if the memory serves me well...on some planes (mostly german and some japanese), it'll just become less transparent as another plate of glass slides over the display, on other the gunsight will close completely (those with telescopic sights)
Hope it helps Big Grin

You have to press CTRL+D to get away the scope cover Smile

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