help with a mission that I made

Crazy G Wrote:S!

Thanks {HVY-E}Jinxx

Could you tell me what these changes will do? Regarding Water = 0, I´m using OLC water V2 and doesn´t matter if it´s at 0,1, give a good look with low memory usage. Right now I´m using 4xAA which gives a crisper look then 8Q , 4xAF and Quality.


MipFilter 3 is going to enable Ansio for the game.
Compression is going to compress the images slightly for speed.
Specular is going to change the lighting effects on your plane. (Less shinny).
LandGeom is going to change your horizon distance/detail to a lot more realistic.
Water 2 is going to give you the GOOD water. Your card should have no problems with it at all. You can probably bump it up to 3 or 4 if you like.
Effects 0 will remove shadows/flickering from smoke and explosions.



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