Can this be done?

Yes I know, our mod team still have their hands full trying to get all the other mods finished, and I know that there are many waiting to be done.. However, we all have something in this game that bugs us. Some hate the antics of the AI and want it put right, (don't we all).. Others don't like the way damage is displayed, some are screaming to get their favourite cockpit re-skinned etc..
I can honestly say that the one item that genuinely gets my goat, is the sims portrayal of taking off in really bad weather.. How many times have campaign makers stated in their readme, "in mission 3 the player is advised to hit the auto pilot key"..
I've had brakes full on, tailwheel locked, rudder applied, and still the damn thing will go around in a circle.. Now this isn't me.. I've taken off and landed aircraft in some pretty bad weather in real life, but sometimes its nigh impossible in the game, with the last resort to apply 'auto pilot' to enable me to get airborne..
Does anyone know how to approach this problem? When this has been discussed in other forums, it was simply stated that its just another one of those things that we have to put up with in IL2..
In reality, we have all read that during the war, sometimes air ops were cancelled or delayed for days, sometimes stretching to weeks due to severe weather conditions.. But if we are offered a scenario to fly in game, then it should be playable without having to resort to the 'auto key'..
Can this be done?

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