Possible to create splash screens??

How can I create Splash screens for the game? Can I use real life photos??


From Serval's Skinners' Heaven website:

'How to make a splash screen':

Posted Wed June 08 2005 03:03 Wed June 08 2005 03:03

Make a JPG with screen dimensions (800x600 or 1024 x 768 etx).
Resize it to 512x512 (yes a square)
Now save it as TGA 24 bit.
I forgot the exact name but it's something like background.tga and iirc it's located in the missions directory.

...splash screens are basically the same as mission background ones .... so for test/template just copy any of default/custom background.tga and background.mat renamed as background0.tga and backround0.mat to proper location.

path should be : gui\background0.tga ....

watch for conflicts if any other mod are using same files ....


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