strange FMB problem

installed Canon's beta English chanel map and played some missions of Reflected 'Biggin Hill Wing ' campaign and so far so good ... but trying to find Cannon's chanel map in FMB is a no go ?!! seems FMB doesn't list or recognize the map?! realy strange , can somebody help me out plz...

have you added the line to your all.ini file as per the readme with canons BoB map?

yes, I did, ... still the problem remains and it puzzels me why the campaign is recognized in the game but in FMB it doesn't show up, tried to load up a Biggin Hill mission to force FMB to open the chanel map ..but no go?!

is the spelling correct in the maps/all.ini

only one here

English_Channel_1940 CAN_Channel/CAN_40_load.ini

another thing to check is that you have 4.09b1m enabled using your version switcher maybe

1] yep, the spelling is ok, with one space between '1940'and 'CAN' [ btw its a copy/paste by Canon's original file]
2] yep, v4.09b1m is enabled and campaign is only compatible with v4.09b1 thats how I figured it out that there was a prob with FMB, its realy weird to be able to play a mission on the Cannon chanel map but in FMB its not listed?!

Miker, I didn't understand what happens when you try to open a mission from the campaign in FMB. Were those missions listed in the mission load menu? And if yes what exactly happened when you tried to open the mission, did you get some error message?

yes, tried to open a mission specific in FMB domain, and yes the biggin hill missions are listed and recognized in [FMB] GB file,double clicked on a mission... it shows the loading screen 'loading' in the default blue FMB screen ....afther minutes and minutes its stays like that so I finally click 'X' to close, and I'm not getting a load.ini ERROR or what so ever?
#9 be complete , in PILOTS CARREER I can select Biggin Hill Campaign and open and play the missions , no problem at all...flew in the second mission over London and went past that famous bridge in the centre of London fact I flew through the whole map just to admire and enjoy Cannon's amazing peace of work [ golly , and its just a beta map!!]

I don't know, please check if you have by chance another maps all.ini in your game folder?

it the all.ini file,you need to do a thorough search to make sure you have only one
there can be only one...Luke....
other than that ,it spelled wrong,im not sure if it matters but I cut and paste into the all.ini
"in alphebetical order",like I said though ,I don't know if that actually matters.

it definately an all.ini afair though

Mates many thx for helping me out, it made me clean up my mods folder and although Skymaster gave me the idea at the end , you all pointed in the direction of the all.ini file, ....I forgot to delete a bckupmap with the all.ini file in it, I had placed it in the Mods-map , but with an entirely different name thinking the game engine wouldn't recognize it....obviously it did, anyway FMB prob is solved, thx again mates, you all made my day. with regards Miker8

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