vpmedia's default map upgrade pack & 4.08m

As the mod only runs on 4.09 due to the fact that it uses textures from the new maps such as Slovakia I remember seeing a file, which made it possible to use this mod on 4.08m

Can anyone point a link where I can get this file?

I think is this mod:


note that 4.071m patch had a sfs file named fb_3do18p.sfs (very small, just 512KB or so) that had been removed in final 4.08m patch or was completly integrated in the other files. If that moded file .rc points (at the end of it) to that file above and you don't have it you will get a crash to desktop when loading 409 content in 408 (if the mission has such thing).

Solutions for this:

remove the pointing line to that sfs file from .rc file by opening .rc in wordpad and deleting the respective line: "@sfs MOUNT fb_3do18p.sfs"


put the fb_3do18p.sfs file in game root folder of the game. It will be ignored after beeing loaded but, game will not crash anymore.

link to the actual mod is here:

http://rs31.rapidshare.com/files/114312 ... ibilty.zip

link to the fb_3do18p.sfs i can provide my self if you need. Or you can find it in 4.071m patch

I don't know if this mod is compliant with the CRT=2 UI 1.11.

best regards.

Thanks a bunch, that's the one!

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