Would some kind soul post a uni installer updated full stati

Well with the new maps being released using the uni installer plus patch
Many of us do not use the uni installer.

Would some kind soul post a uni installer static.ini plus addon static.ini from the latest patch.

I have three games running a stocl IL21946 to 4.09, A fully modded 4.09 and a map making 4.09.

I used the uni installer once but reverted back to 4.09 when I started to learn how to make maps from Kevin P's great tutorials.

I know one of my problems is that I haven't installed the Channel Uk latest beta and objects.

Having a posted uni installer patched static.ini and a list of textures and mods and maps that may effect the new maps such as Korea and Lower Burma would be greatly appreciated.

All that I can say is that eventhough my project is taking a long time to do at least everybody will be able to use it.

Cheers Kirby


Check your PM's.

You are a kind soul even for a Monday.

I put that thread up today at work just checking my PM's now.

So please check you PM's,

Bingo; a very kind soul.

Cheers Kirby

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