opening screen stays up

Up until to day it would fade away. LAter today i started the game using the install icon and after the
game loaded the picture of the Zeros and bombers stay up??????

Any fix for this??????? :?:

Too little info to help you there.

-Is the startup hanging on a certain %-age?
-Are you using UI1.1, patched to 1.1.1?
-Vista or XP/2000?
-Install icon? Rightclick the icon and select properties. Where does it link to? Where is your (modded?) game installed?

no the game goes on and plays . I have xp pro . i was using the installer and running the game as 4.08m in the AAA server.
That opening sreen that shows the Zero's and bombers stays. Before after the game loaded it fades
away you dont see it.

Mine just stays there?????
[Image: screen.gif]

(No clue. Passes it on to someone who had this too or knows of it)

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