eyes in the sky [Spit MkVI]

here's my first contribution to AAA hope you like it :wink:
i'm flying the 3rd one i think... being me it had to be the Spit! here in Mark VI flavour.
i've added two colour variants, both in full view and in my wallpaper format (with the black stripes over and under)

wallpaper original
[Image: 1wp.jpg]

wallpaper colour tweak
[Image: 3wp.jpg]

Full original
[Image: 1copyn.jpg]

Full colour tweak
[Image: 1bcopy.jpg]

please don't mind me using 1600x1200... you can always use Firefox's zoom out :mrgreen:

Anti aliasing next time, Nice pic!

Nice pic, but as said, needs antiailsing bumped up.
Also, the skin has markings on it so no need to use those aweful default ones mate

all comments appreciated and annotated :roll:

J.R, everything about that shot is pretty epic! It might be a bit disheartening if you get comments pointing out areas of improvement, but remember - the guys here have some pretty high standards, and if you get any comments, 'it's all good' Big Grin
Like i said, its an epic shot, the composition is good, lighting, colours, etc. but you'll be doing yourself a favour by maxing out your antaliasing. If your rig struggles, then only apply those settings when you are specifically looking for a good screenshot... :wink:
Well done - hope to see more good stuff from you... 8)

Anti aliasing can be turned on by going to your desktop and right clicking and then selecting Nvidia/ATI (etc) Control panel. Find the il2 program all set the default setting for everything. Put anti aliasing as high as it will go and see how it runs. Depending on your rig there will be various things you can do...

Failing that, resizing the image to about two-thirds to half its original res (WITHOUT sharpening it) reduces aliasing, too. Given your screen's res, that might be a viable option.

well you all have a point on turning AA. fact is when i took this i wasn't looking for it, just gave it a try. i've re-installed recently and just finishing up the mod settings, had no AA at the time.

edit in PS wouldn't do any good but i've enabled 4XAA now (thank you 8800GTS...) so that won't happen in the future :wink:

good Tongue lol i have 16x AA Big Grin

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