Hello CzechTexan, sorry to say that information on the airfields in French indochina is very hard to come by. I've been building my South Vietnam map now for quite some time and photographs have only recently come to light for Saigon's Tan Son Nhut, thanks to Anatoli. He found those in a French publication L'Aeronautique navale En Indochine 1927-1956 by Henri Robin and Robert Feuilly, this publication is in French and may contain other airfields. Anatoli has just posted images in my thread of his interpretation of the airfield, He's done a superb job I think.
Here is a link to a French site dealing with Indochina, although the title says Algeria.
There are photographs here of Bach Mai, Gia Lam, Na Thrang and Dien Bien Phu.
You could go through my map thread, there have been various links posted to maps etc. Some of those maybe of some use. PM Akvadis, he posted some superb photographs of the South from US archives, he maybe able to help.
Most of my airfields were positioned using Google, I worked on the theory that if the airfield is in use now it must have been in that location back then. :roll: It seems to work for the main airfields. There is a site dealing with airfields of the region but it only gives co-ordinates, if you Google in there is just a field or built up area where once the airfield was.
Sorry can't help other than that, most photographs we see are from the American involement in the region during the Sixties. The airfields then developed to such a state that they were practically unrecognisable from what they were during the Forties. French publications and the French community in general probably could open the doors to this period of their history. The most valuable information I have comes through members of the French community who have been kind enough to provide me with help and info on the projects I've worked on.
Wishing you all the very best, Pete.