No campaigns can generate in HSFX 4.1..Help please

I've been trying to start offline campaigns with IL-2 1946 modded with HSFX 4.1 and it isnt working at all. Ive tried to start them with no mods loaded but it just makes a click sound when i want to begin an offline campaign.

Any suggestions to how i can fix this??



In JSGME, have you enabled (i.e. put it in the right-hand column) this option?


According to what I have read, this option works only if you have some pay add-ons campaigns.
If you have it enabled, disable it (i.e. put it in the left-hand column), and try again to start an offline (DGEN or static) campaign.

GEORGES44 Wrote:Hello,

In JSGME, have you enabled (i.e. put it in the right-hand column) this option?


According to what I have read, this option works only if you have some pay add-ons campaigns.
If you have it enabled, disable it (i.e. put it in the left-hand column), and try again to start an offline (DGEN or static) campaign.

I tried what you suggested George and it didnt work

GEORGES44 Wrote:According to what I have read, this option works only if you have some pay add-ons campaigns.
If you have it enabled, disable it (i.e. put it in the left-hand column), and try again to start an offline (DGEN or static) campaign.

Where have you read this?? I am curious to know what that means. I am still fumbling around with HSFX and have only ventured as far as pilot carreers at this point, but I was planning to start some offline campaigns soon.

Cheers, Jeff


I'm not using my own computer to answer, so I am not able to give the proper reference, but if you put your mouse pointer on any option in the JSGME a small text will appear with a summary explanation about this particular option.
Concerning the
the text will tell you it concern EnjoyR and pay add-ons
sorry I cannot give more details this time

@ Fighterace

sorry it didnt work.
I thought you already had seen this topic about the same problem and you needed a different solution
(The link is inoperative)
Check it, and see if it can help you

EDIT: I found the reference at
Dgen offline campaigns:-
These have been fully updated by Potenz, vtrelut, enjoyr, juri_js, ojcar and Dynamic campaigns by Boelcke: (integration of
commercial and user made campaigns). You have to have bought the user made material or you may hear a beep and it will not run.
Enable to play with HSFX.
There are a huge amount of skins available for the above but these are not included, you can get these from
Mission4Today website under enjoyr Dgen campaigns .

Here : for Campains off line it is easy.

With HSFX if you want the Campains to work you need two things.
First you need the ==HISTORY mod active + the DGEN OfflineCampains active.
With these two active you should have lots of offline campains.

There are some that do not works BUT that is to say very few.
Yes they were for a pay to add. Which I have not found a place to buy.

Thank you for the help here gentlemen. I will see where this takes me now.

The other thing I have decided to have a return look at is Paul Lowengrin's fantastic "Dynamic Campaign Generator for IL2" (DCG). There is a version released for HSFX and from experience in the past, "Forgotten Battles and Pacific Fighters", this DCG really rocked. Also, no pay to add campaigns and there are a lot there too.

has anyone in the community tried DCG with HSFX as yet?

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