Replacing old music in 1946--I don't know how

Hello, It's Blasph again. I have a question.

First off, I dislike the default music for the IL-2: 1946. However, 1C and Maddox decided to hire Jeremy Soule (the composer for the music of Star Wars episodes 1-3) to compose the music for the Console version [Birds of Prey]. This ended up giving BoP supereior music to that of 1946.

I have the BoP music files downloaded, but I don't know which game files to place them in to replace 1946's mediocre OST. Could someone witht heat knowledge step forward and give me the location of the music files in 1946?


C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 4.101\samples\Music\Menu
.wav file

ton414 Wrote:C:\Ubisoft\IL-2 Sturmovik 1946 4.101\samples\Music\Menu
.wav file

Thank You, kind sir!

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