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CK's Caudron G4 WIP

Last go around for 2015 Big Grin

A much needed plane for CK's early war as it was widely used.
So have your first look at Canvas Knights Caudron G4

[Image: CG4FLA.jpg]
[Image: CG4FLB.jpg]
[Image: CG4FLC.jpg]
[Image: CG4FLD.jpg]
[Image: CG4FLE.jpg]
[Image: CG4FLF.jpg]
[Image: CG4FLG.jpg]

As always still much left to do on her, but I think about a week
or so and she will be up for download.


Looks great as always!!!; should be impressive when it's complete.

Thank you PhineasPhule Big Grin


The instruments are now in and working.
[Image: CG4FLH.jpg]

The pilots are now in and gun is now working with animations.
[Image: CG4FLJ.jpg]

The hit boxes are done and the game just takes all the parts and throws them everywhere
till I get the damage CFG done to govern the game engine on what to do with the parts.

[Image: CG4FLK.jpg]

And up up and away we go! Big Grin
[Image: CG4FLL.jpg]

Left to do;
Damage 3D model.
Damage CFG.
Damage texture.
A few skins.


She is a pure beauty !!!

Definitely my favourite plane from CK !!!

A marvellous gift for X-Mas !!!


Thank you Ted glad you like her Big Grin

Last update before release!

Damage model and texture is done!
This is just one of the many configurations that can happen with the damage model.

[Image: CG4FLM.jpg]
[Image: CG4FLN.jpg]
[Image: CG4FLO.jpg]

Left to do;
A few skins.


An amazing looking aircraft Deutschmark!
Truly worth of the art and work by the "Deutschmark Flugzeug Fabrik"! 8) Big Grin

Jambo :wink:
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