IL-2 community - a code of conduct needed

fly_zo Wrote:... where is BC original code post that actually had warning for flamers ?

You mean the thread where he threatened in yellow letters to ban forever anyone who didn't approve of his views?...

It seems to be gone, like all threads that try to force the issue should be.

Anyway here's a nice appropriate song "For what it's worth"

Forager Wrote:Well, I never saw the warning to flamers post but I have seen the, so far, 3 page result. It seems to be mainly concerned with old timers there leaving or staying and discussing moderator methods of operation. ... 2001020216

... well thats my point original thread has that warning ( in orange) so why not just lock it (if must) that people could see it...

and BEEN post has nothing to do with original thread....

you people are not willing to give any compromise ... not jet....


well your example BEEN topic at zoo has been locked by TOAD so ....

they aren't ready jet....

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