Mosquito + rockets ?


I wondered if it was possible to add rockets to the Mosquito (i don't know if we have got the right type of aircraft for that, i mean historically :?: ) ?

Thanks for all your work here,

... and sorry for my bad enlish ...

bonne bourre

well its a tricky one ...
i would like to see it with rockets but there are 2 problems ..1. currently no-one knows how to change load-outs for 4.08 & 2. it would be classed as a load-out cheat - you see currently none of our mods have yet changed FM or changed load-outs - weve only added cockpits & given the ability to operate guns that were there before + simply changed sounds - there is no mod here yet for download that changes an aircrafts FM / Dm / loadout

personly i would like to see more people using 4.05 to make mods like this - this way we wouldnt be threatning the online community

hope that answers your Q

I understand online sensitivities about this, but would anyone object to historically correct loadouts? To clarify, I mean adding to certain aircraft weapons that are already in the game - if it can be shown they carried them in real life?

Many loadouts are just plain wrong or incomplete. I'm not in favour of creating new weapon types, just adding existing ones to certain aircraft where it can be historically justified - something I feel Oleg should have done.

Edit: OK, it can't be done right now, but at some point that will change.

MrJolly Wrote:personly i would like to see more people using 4.05 to make mods like this - this way we wouldnt be threatning the online community
Sounds like the answer to all the problems Big Grin

Has anyone got a list of what was added post 4.O5?

And is there any possibility of retrofitting any of the good stuff to 4.05, ie. maps like Manchuria, aircraft like IL10 etc.?

If so I'd be very pleased to roll back to 4.05 as the '46 had little appeal for me, and the ability have historic changes to weapons, add new historical types etc. without all the grief is very attractive.

I like everything I have with 4.08, and don't really want to retro fit 4.05...
And yes, it's totally historical for the Mossie to have rockets, and incidently made a large impact on tactics and aircraft employment with the Banf and Dallachy strike wings of Coastal Command during the closing months of WWII..
The anti mod crowd wouldn't have a leg to stand on ref the historical importance of this mod..

Historically important loadouts . . . .
[Image: Cookies1.jpg]

Well I think many things kill the "cookie"...for now at least.

1. Currently not possible to change load outs in v4.08 and appears to be no intention to do so either.
2. Currently not possible to add 3rd party models.
3. There is no cookie anywhere in IL2.
4. The Mosquito that carried the cookie had a specially modified bombay that totally changed the shape of the fuselage. It's nowhere in IL2 either.

While it would be nice to have historically correct loadouts, no one should be adding weapons that aren't already there. I say this, was mentioned already, because it would require additional FM"s and/or the modification of one. That, I do not agree with or support.

Personally I would love the mossie to have rockets. BUT it shouldnt be done, otherwise where do you draw the line....?

I think it would be a good idea to add weapons, & change around some munitions, if it can be done that is, but only allow the very mods/admin to do this. therfore what is edited can be trusted, if you get my drift.

The catch is; up to this point the mods have all been kept rather... pure. Giving everyone that is for them, uses them, or even those who dont but defend them, a leg to stand on.

Once the WL/FM/DM's start to get changed, then what the scaremongers and witch hunters have been jumping up and down about - actually starts to happen. Even if done by those who we trust.

The other aspect of these other 'historic' load-outs - they impact the flight dynamics of the aircraft, or the FM, in different ways than other munition load-outs - hence the FM would need to be changed to keep the FM/DM's accurate - who says that a mod would be accurate, other than OM, in reference to the overall aircraft and the differences the already available load-outs have on the FMs.. you can't have your 'cookie', and eat it too, if we are trying to not live up to the dire expectations of the anti-modders.

RAF_Magpie already touches on this to a large extent.

RAF_Magpie Wrote:Personally I would love the mossie to have rockets. BUT it shouldnt be done, otherwise where do you draw the line....?

Agreed, I wasn't making that serious a request . I'd sooner have flares anyway, but I guess thats out too.

RAF_Magpie Wrote:The catch is; up to this point the mods have all been kept rather... pure. Giving everyone that is for them, uses them, or even those who dont but defend them, a leg to stand on.

Once the WL/FM/DM's start to get changed, then what the scaremongers and witch hunters have been jumping up and down about - actually starts to happen. Even if done by those who we trust.

True, but eventually that stance will become unsustainable, I feel. If we are able to make new 3D models and get them in-game the demand for appropriate FMs will be hard to resist. It would be nice if this site became THE resource for modding and committed to producing historically justifiable mods only. At a stroke that cuts out all the rubbish and establishes a gold standard. That's the only kind of Mission Statement that would gain my approval :wink:

What Username said...I personally don't much care about the generally innacurate complaints made by the other side in this debate. The community here, and it's very respected members know what they're doing and why they're doing it. If a mod is created and agreed on by the team who run this site, then that's good enough for me given the current situation. If someone from Maddox team wants to be involved in what we're doing then that's even better.

Creating new aircraft types with their own fms to be included in the game alongside existing types is surely the future for modding this sim. New maps and aircraft as well as new loadouts for some should be allowed and even IMHO fm tweaks where obvious..don't you feel that the Mosquito ought to be faster?

I do understand the reasons against some of this but I say to hell with them, there aren't any cheats here, just aviation enthusiasts.

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