My purpose would have been to eliminate the ETO maps and add in my preference, the PTO maps. Nothing more aggravating than to have to scroll down every time I want to fly my preferred map. No problem, just my insanity! :lol:
Here is my FMB file. I dislike having to shuffle through stuff I never use. Although I now have Hawaii and Midway at the top of the list.
CoralSea CoralSea/load.ini
CoralSeaOnline CoralSea/Online_load.ini
CoralSeaOnline2 CoralSea/2_load.ini
Guadal Guadal/load.ini
GuadalE Guadal/eload.ini
Hawaii Hawaii/load.ini
Hawaii_ffb Hawaii_ffb/load.ini
Iwo Iwo/load.ini
IwoOnine Iwo/Online_load.ini
Kyushu Japan1/load.ini
Marianas Marianas/load.ini
MarianasOnline Marianas/Online_load.ini
Midway Midway/load.ini
midway_ffb midway_ffb/load.ini
NewGuinea NewGuinea/load.ini
Okinawa Okinawa/load.ini
OkinawaOnline Okinawa/Online_load.ini
Palau Palau/load.ini
PalauOnline Palau/Online_load.ini
Tarawa Tarawa/load.ini
Wake Wake/load.ini
I can make QMB without any map easily, as there are two guys already who want this than I don't have other choice than to make them what they want. :mrgreen:
Can't promise that I'll make that tonight but tomorrow you will have QMBMinus :lol:
People who expect that I'll make QMB with all maps and missions for it are not that lucky.
There are 85 maps x 6 misssion types x 2 sides= 1020 missions
There is no way that I'll make 1020 missions except if you can persuade Jelena Jensen to spend weekend in my bed. :lol:
lol, I love it...QMBMinus!
Not at all. Everyone knows I can be a I jest ain't got no upbring'n :lol: